Our pillows offer TMJ Pain Relief with its Off-Your-Jaw Design
Let enVy be your TMD Relief Pillow...
The TMJ Relief Pillow for TMJD & Jaw Pain
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) is jaw pain that occur as a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint (TMJ), and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. Like any joint in the body, the TMJ’s are subject to wear and tear, trauma, disease and degeneration.
What Causes TMJ or TMD Problems?
The most common cause for wear-and-tear is bruxism (grinding of the teeth), usually when asleep. Teeth grinding will produce sore or pain in the jaw muscles, especially upon waking in the morning.
Due to the supportive and tension releasing nature of the enVy Pillow, many users consider it the ideal cervical pillow for TMJ. It reduces the tendency to grind teeth while sleeping. Most of us don’t realize that our top and bottom teeth should never have contact, except lightly during chewing. When teeth are held together, or the jaw is held tense over a period of time, the facial and neck muscles become fatigued and painful. Morning and afternoon headaches, difficulty chewing, neck pain, and sore facial muscles are symptoms most commonly reported. Clenching at night causes the most pressure on the jaw and, therefore, is the most damaging.
How can the enVy Pillow help my TMJ Pain?
Learning how to sleep with TMJ can be challenging, but the enVy Pillow makes it simple. Sleeping in proper alignment will assist in body posture issues, help correct airway and jaw-joint position, and improve overall well-being. Choosing any of our enVy pillow for your TMJ Pillow with its “OFF-Your-Jaw/Face” design allows you to sleep comfortably, without putting pressure on your jaw area… this will allow the inflammation to reduce more quickly. For the anti-inflammatory benefits of COPPER we highly recommend one of our enVy COPPER infused pillows. with The enVy Anti-Aging/ Anti-Wrinkle Pillow has been tried and tested by a TMJ support group called “TMJ Hope” One of their TMJ sufferers had this to say about the enVy Pillow ….

``The V shape of the Envy pillow takes the pressure off the jaw and I find that I sleep much better. ``
How the enVy Pillow relieves pressure off your TMJ

Sleep Bruxism? Am I Clenching my Jaw at Night?
Current research shows that poor airway alignment and sleep disorders are major factors that contribute to patients developing a TMD or TMJ pain and chronic facial pain and jaw pain problems. In those people who snore or have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), excessive tooth grinding may occur as the jaw is constantly pushed forward during sleep in an attempt to open the airway. This condition is known as Sleep Bruxism. Over time, there may be tooth loss and the constant forces on the facial muscles and TMJ’s can lead to pain and dysfunction.
TMJ Problems and Solutions.
Taking an anti-inflammatory and icing the area will provide temporary relief of acute TMD. However, more must be done to correct the underlying condition – stress management, airway management, neck/jaw alignment, and better sleep quality. The enVy TMJ relief pillow can address all these problems.
Sometimes this can be managed by making a few positive choices. Instead of worrying, we should try to deal with stress to help our mind and, thus, our jaw to relax. Less stress will definitely help all of us sleep better. Ensuring that we get a deep restorative sleep on a TMJ pillow such as the enVy Anti-Aging/ Wellness Pillow will help reduce pain perception and help promote healing of the inflamed area.