Using a Therapeutic Spinal Alignment Pillow
is Essential for Healthy Sleep!
There is definitely a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to get your beauty sleep…
If you are waking up to neck pain, headaches, migraines, shoulder strains, and pins and needle/ numbness… AND you didn’t go to bed with this pain… then something has gone terribly wrong in the 6 to 8 hours you spent in bed! All our enVy pillows are neck support pillows and can stop this from happening.
While back sleeping on a standard pillow, we often lose the natural curve of our necks (C-Spine).
FACT: As we fall asleep and lose consciousness, our neck muscles relax, and our natural neck curve is no longer supported. This photo shows a standard pillow that does not support the sleeper properly. This reinforces the unwanted forward head leaning and a straightening of C-Spine (red line)
RESULT: Chronic tight muscles, morning pain and stiffness in neck and shoulders, reinforcement of poor posture, and long term health issues.

The enVy Anti-Aging/ Anti- Wrinkle/ Therapeutic Pillow offers ergonomic neck support and supports the natural curve of our C-spine. It’s the best pillow for back pain and neck pain.
FACT: Our “bed” posture should be similar to our “standing” posture. This photo shows the natural neck curve (red line) which shows her forehead, chin and chest are all parallel to the mattress (dark line). This is especially important to those of us who spend much of our waking hours leaning forward over our computers, desks or any of the many jobs we have that reinforce this poor forward posture. Correction at night is essential for our wellbeing.
RESULT: A deep healing restorative Beauty Sleep reduced neck pain and back pain in the morning.
“ Even the Nights are Better on enVy! ”
neck pain sufferer
How is the enVy Anti-Aging / Anti Wrinkle Pillow Better?
THE SHAPE: Ergonomic Sloped Sides
Our perfectly engineered ergonomic sloped sides cradle your head into the centre of the enVy pillow. When you sleep on your BACK, sleep experts recommend that your ears, shoulders, and hips should be aligned in a straight line, relatively parallel to your mattress.
NOTE: A small pillow under the back of your knees is highly recommended and will decrease stress on your spine and support the natural curve in your low back. enVy Anti-Aging / Anti-Wrinkle pillow is designed with this in mind. The foam thickness at the centre (V Spot) of the enVy pillow is less than 4 cm to facilitate this proper alignment.
When turning to your SIDE these slope sides cradle your head into a subtle tilt of your jaw away from the pillow.
This is ideal for TMJ sufferers as well as those recovering from facial rejuvenation, face lifts, laser, IPL or just the avoidance of sleep wrinkles. Your neck will feel the wonderful neck support in this side sleeping position as well.
Additionally, this patented neck support pillow has a strategic “scooped out” back which reinforces a head cradling effect.
THE V SPOT: aka the Sweet Spot
Improves circulation by distributing weight and reducing pressure points. In addition, the “bumps” enable air circulation to improve breathability and overall comfort.
THE NECK SUPPORT: Unique Patented “Stepping Stone" Design
Each enVy Anti-Aging/ Anti-Wrinkles Pillow comes equipped with a dual neck support system called the “STEPPING STONE” neck support option.
No one is immune to Tech Neck (Forward Head Posture), so you may choose to adjust to the smaller neck support initially before advancing to the larger therapeutic neck support, simply by spinning the pillow to the opposite side.
The “stepping stone” of the enVy neck pillow is designed to “work up” to the optimal therapeutic neck support… or change levels as you need.
How Does the EnVy Pillow Help?
For the Back Sleepers out there…
enVy cradles our heads and gently applies a sleep-inducing subtle traction on our necks.
The patented gull wings shape and the bottom indentation adds head and neck security that prevents unwanted head rotation. This is especially important for those recovering from neck injury and strain.
The State of the Art LuxFeel Memory Foam creates a weightless sensation which significantly decreases tossing and turning. Many of our clients have reported much less tossing and turning at first sleep.
The luxuriously smooth 100% bamboo pillowcase is 3x more breathable and softer to the skin. No more bedhead 🙂
For the Side Sleepers…
enVy® tilts the side sleeper’s head away from the pillow and relieves undue pressure on face and jaw and off one’s shoulder. This allows the enVy® neck straightening pillow to be extremely effective in decreasing TMJ pain or ear pain.
The enVy pillow facilitates less pressure on the bottom shoulder of the side sleeper and has been recommended by chiropractors to clients with shoulder injuries, chronic pain, and the numbness/pins and needles that people often experience while side sleeping. Shoulder problems are also often caused by referred pain from the neck. Therefore, stabilizing the neck during sleep is of paramount importance. Toronto Chiropractor, Dr. Tracy Kish recommends enVy for all her “shoulder pain” patients.